Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Laughing my Butt off

ok, I think I have actually burned a few extra calories laughing SOOOOO hard at a couple of things I have found via the internet for weight loss. This stuff is great and I hope you'll get as big of a kick out of it as I have.

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this one:

You're kidding me right? LOL!!! Surely no one believes this stuff.

or how about the slimming lip gloss? Fuze Slenderize lip gloss promises to help shed pounds. By infusing chromium and L-carnitine into the gloss. WHAT!? lol Skinny Lips! Plump Lips... what the??? ha

or how about Bath & Body Works Instant Aromatherapy Crave Relief claims that rolling on their fragrant grapefruit and sweet fennel essential oils will stave off hunger. First of all, I work with natural and synthetic essential oils and fragrance oils in my business ( ) every day and trust me, this is hog wash. LOL!! People are willing to say anything to get people to buy their stuff.

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