Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another Picture

I should have posted this a couple of weeks ago, but I have been uber busy with my business.

So here it is, and I will post another one asap with the new differance. The changes are suttle, but I can see more tone in my arms, stomach and my hiney is lifting. lol I don't have as much fat around my chin, face and neck and I can see my cheek bones more these days. :)



Anonymous said...

You're shrinking! Keep up the great progress. Monday I bought a smaller swim suit.
It's cool you homeschool too. What grades are your kids you homeschool? My son is in second grade and daughter doing pre-k.

Rachel said...

My son is in the fifth grade and my daughter is in third. My littlest one isn't old enough for school yet, but Im working with her on her shapes and colors. She is two.

I hope I shrink more and more. lol

It's a slow progress, but it's healthier that way. I'd rather do it slowly and keep it off forever than quickly and gain it all back. :O

Unknown said...

Congrats on your progress! Keep coming and taking those steps one day at a time.

I love having to buy new clothes. It gives you something you can hold onto and keeps you motivated!

African Mango Juice said...

I would like you to keep up the good work you know how to make your post understandable for most of the people.