Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Breakfast! The most important meal of the day!
You need to jump start your metabolism, get it moving and if you choose good filling foods in proper proportions, you will stay filled and satisfied longer. :) Eating good for you snacks during the day will keep your metabolism moving also.
Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast, particularly a breakfast containing eggs eat less later in the day and have fewer cravings.Most likely due to the high content of protien. If you're concerned about the high cholestrol of eggs, eat them in reasonable qauntities and team them up with oatmeal, another filling meal great for breakfast!!!
My Typical Weekly breakfast: ( Notice I eat ALOT of protien, and I rarely feel the urge to snack)
Monday 1 poached egg , 2 slices lean bacon , 1/2 cup oatmeal sweetened with slenda brown sugar sweetener and 1/4 tsp. maple flavoring.
Tuesday 4 oz Steak, 1 egg ( This breakfast keeps me filled most of the day!)
Wednesday 1 egg, 2 slices lean bacon, 1/2 cup No Fat Vanilla yogurt with 1/2 cup mixed berries.
Thursday Weight Watchers Candian Bacon and Egg w/ cheese breakfast sandwich ( only 4 pts!)
And then I repeat whatever I want from the above menu. Ocassionally I like a breakfast burrito..., I use Carb Chopper Tortillas, only 1 pt per tortilla compared to 7 pts for the typical tortilla. I add 1/4 cup of grated cheese to i serving of Egg beaters, Fresh Mushrooms and seasoned to taste with usually salt and pepper a little garlic. Very good. ;)
The idea is to eat foods that are satisfying, low in calorie, low in fat, low in carbohydrates in the beginning and high in protien. As you loose wieght and gain muscle, it you can eat a little more.
General rule of thumb for working out about 45 minutes a day is you can eat anouther .... about 200 calories or so depending on your activity level and your current weight. The less you weigh the less calories.
So, plan your breakfast tomorrow, and notice if you feel full.
My Oatmeal recipe:
1 cup of prepared plain oatmeal
Splenda Brown Sugar to Taste
Imitation Maple flavor to taste..
Leave out the butter, I know it's hard, but you really won't miss it with the splenda and maple flavoring. ;)
Shout to my readers!
Thank you for your support and don't be shy to drop a line on my blog and send some words of encouragement this way as well, it really helps me.
I hope to be posted new pictures in a week or two. I want to really get to Jammin' more of this weight off, I'm at a little stand still with christmas and guess what....I broke my toe yesterday!
I was so upset about that. So I will have to go very easy until I am certian it will be fine for me to work out safely without causing injury. I am so disappointed.
But, what happens if you get an injury? Can you still lose weight? Yes of course! You have all kinds of body parts that move just fine, and the object is to move them. It might slow your efforts down until you heal, but don't give up. Keep moving your arms, do your leg exercises sitting in a chair if you have to... continue to tone and use weights, and above all.... continue watching your eating habbits. Being imobile makes it easier to get bored and depressed and we want to eat. Don't give in to the munchy monster.
Well, Lets see how it goes for me this week. I am able to walk, and I don't believe it's a full fledged break its more of a facture. Its bruised badly and it hurts equally. lol How did I do this you say? ha.... I was sitting on the edge of my bed dusting nic-nacs and I had a heavy thick glassed skull ash tray sitting there, and when I stood up it bounced off the bed and landed right on the joint of my big toe. OUCH! I wanted to cry. First thing i thought was, " OH CRAP! How am I going to get my exercise in?"
Well, by hook or by crook, I will do it one way or another. AND I AM DYING TO GET INTO MY CAMO JEANS......
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Healthy eating for the week
To make sure you stay on track this week. Go through your cabinets.... get rid of all of the crap that you don't need. I am talking twinkies, white bread, candy, marshmellows, jelly all of the stuff you know is going to taunt you and you shouldn't have. All of the stuff we're trying to get away from. How can we say no to it if it's in there screaming at us to eat it?
I have NO junk food in my house. I grew up with out junk food.... and I don't need it now.
NOW.... time to go shopping.
1. Eat first. Eat a good choice of food. Don't shop on an empty stomach ever!
2. Make a menu for the week of what you plan to eat. Making good choices. That means plan out seven breakfasts, lunches dinners and healthy snacks! Don't forget to pick up your whey protien from the pharmacy or the healthy food store. You're exercising and need your protien!
3. Make your menu up with lots of fruits, veggies, lean meats, low fat and no fat dairy, whole grain bread, wheat pasta if YOU MUST have pasta. Don't forget your green tea or regular tea. Get rid of the sugar and buy splenda, and try to only have 1 diet soda ( 12 oz can.) a day or less if you can.
4. when you shop take note of the nutritional facts on the back and see what a serving size is verses how many calories it has. Is it worth the small portion for the grand count of calories and fat?
Sarah Lee's delightful whole grain bread is an excellent choice. Low in calories, low in fat, and high in protien from the grains, and very moist.
Non fat yogurt for your protien shakes and eating a 1/2 a cup for a snack with some berries.... yummy snack!
Boneless, skinless lean chicken breast, New York style steak 4 oz. the best in low fat steak, great choice.
Fish, very healthy, but bake it don't fry it! Low fat also.
try to steer clear of pasta for now... k?
So shop from your menu. Have your menu written up and on your fridge so you know what to eat tomorrow. Prepare only what is on the menu....
Exercise ALL week. Weigh once at the beginning and once at the end, and see what happens.
What was the hardest part?
Then I realized good intentions isn't enough it takes good efforts and SOOOOO, I MADE myself get up and do it.
Wow! It was fun, I thought.....I wanted to do it again. The next morning I was so excited to get up and workout again....
The next couple of days proved me to be sore from being out of shape, but I didn't care, I want my body to look better, I want my health to be better... I WANT TO FIT IN THOSE CAMO JEANS!!! So I kept going.
The soreness gradually faded. I noticed I had more energy, I felt better.... I was more limber from the yoga and pilates.... OOOOO... this could only get better with time.
And then, the differance in my jean. they are getting baggy and loose!!! ROCK ON!
Now, I really want to keep going. even though I gained a pound over the holidays, the jeans are still loose and will keep getting looser!!!
Over the holiday hump and away we go......
Thanksgiving, Christmas. I honestly think Christmas is worse because there are so many people who give cookies and pies for gifts. I know I am the worlds worst ever for doing that! But this year, Santa would be proud of me, I gave sugar free pies. ;)
So....I dreadfully stepped on the scales yesterday to see what the damage was... and YAY me, I only gained 1 lb. ONE POUND! ROCK ON! I know, how crazy is that to be happy about a gain right? But consider it this way, I am seeing this as a little success story, because usually over the holidays we gain what, 10 lbs? Well that one pound plus another will come off this week with me busting my butt and watching my diet. I don't have any left overs lingering around here taunting me. I sent them off with other people. I gave all the cookies away for gifts and mom made sugar free carb free pumpkin cream cheese muffins for our gift. So I mostly gained from all of the stuffing I "stuffed" myself with...
I didn't restrict myself from what I love about the holidays and I didn't go so over board that I gained a ton. I gained a little, but that may also be water retention, my period is coming up soon. So I am happy that I did ok and it's not so much of a gain that I feel like all of my efforts were wasted.
I am taking the tree down this week so I can get back to my turbo jam. I have the entire set now with the gloves and meal plan. I read over it and ya know what was cool.... they have a simular recipe for protien shakes/smoothies like me. My ingredients are slightly differant, BUT.... simular, and I thought that was awesome, I am definately on the right track.
Welcome to my new readers, we're in this together. ;)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Xflowsion looks like alot of fun also, and includes cardio, muscle toning and flexability.
Off the Subject, it's just moi!
It's Bites, Licks and Tastes!
Believe it or not, they add up. How many times a day do we taste a spoonful of this or lick batter from our fingers then the spoon and then the beaters? One bite of this or one bite of that won't hurt anything, especially when we're cooking. But, they do add up and it's hidden calories/points that are easily forgotten and can through our weight loss efforts off. Can be just enough not to gain any weight but slow our weight loss down or even help us maintain.
Just a little food for thought, something to remember next time we're cooking or nibbling, remember that does add up. If you're cooking and need a taste tester, ask someone to help. If I can't get help with the taste testing,I count each BLT as 1 point or ay 45 calories.
When to eat and shop
What I mean, is when you start to feel a little hungry, ( not munchy, hungry ) eat! Don't wait until you're stomach is screaming at you, eat as soon as you feel hungry. The longer you put off satisfying your hunger pangs, the more likely you will eat fast and eat to much.
Never grocery shop when you're hungry ( on an empty stomach), then you will buy everything that looks good and that will most definately be snacks, sweets, chips and then the healthy stuff last.
Shop when you're not hungry and shop from the list of foods that you'd like to have on your MEAL menu and by fruits and veggies and such for snacks.
When you get the munchy monster and you go to the kitchen to scavenge, you have healthier snacks and not the icky ones. ;)
It works. :)
My Weekly Weigh In
This week I weighed in 152.4
YEAH that's a 2.1 loss this week...
AND A TOTAL OF 10 LBS in one month!
Getting there slowly but surely and doing it the right way.
More turbo jam and healthy eating for me.
Of course I'd like the 40 lbs to fall off in a week or two, but its not going to work that way or be healthy,so I am very happy for this is a great success and a week not wasted!
BUT I'm STILL hungry!!!!
One of my favorite meals was a whopper with cheese, king size fries and a diet coke.
First, before I go much further on the point of this post, I would like to point something out that most people do not know! That meal ALONE, even though I had a diet coke, is enough calories for an entire day! YES! I did not know that until I started weight watchers several years ago after my second baby and they came out with the fast food companion that listed the points values for the burger king menu.
18 points for the whoper by it's self. 9 more for the fries. OMG! No wonder I had gained weight! If you figure that I get 22 points for an entire day on Weight Watchers, and you add up the points just for that lunch that is 27 points. That was way over my daily points allowance. And to lose weight you must stay within your points range. That was ONE meal, not adding up what I had for breakfast, snacks and dinner. It made me realize where the weight gaine was coming from.
I always wondered " how am gaining weight I really don't eat that much" True, I didn't eat that much in portion sizes, but I ate alot of high calorie, high fat and sugary foods and with that a little is ALOT.
So the point to this post... When we first start cutting back and eating healthier and better foods, one of the biggest complaints from the typical dieter is "I'm still hungry". We got used to eating more, larger portions and our stomachs had stretched out. So we feel hungrier and think we need more food to fill us up. Truth be told, we don't. And this is where the first few weeks of getting used to eating right is essential.
As I mentioned, I used to be able to eat an entire whopper with a king size french fry. I don't eat fast food hardley ever anymore. We eat out as a treat like once a month and I cook at home. But I noticed the last time we went to burger king, I got my usual. Whopper w/ cheese and king sized fries.
Half way through the whopper and half way through the fries I was full and couldn't eat another bite. My stomach had gotten used to eating smaller portions and I couldn't finish the value meal. It does take time and it is hard to get used to, but with persistance and motovation.... determination not to give in to the munchy monster and reaching for heatlhier things rather than the other stuff, we get used to it.
believe it or not, sticking with a regimen of eating heatlhier and avoiding alot of fast food, sugary and greasy stuff, eventually it won't even sound good anymore.
We used to eat alot of pizzas, hamburgers , fried chicken. In the last six months that we have not and only eaten out on average once every month or two tops, I see the advertisments on tv for the big and juicy burgers they say.... I think they look big and greasy and it doesn't even remotely sound good anymore.
Over time, watching your diet and eating smaller portions, your body will adjust too.
Just remember this stuff doesn't happen over night. It takes a little for your body to get used to all of the changes and it will fight against you. You just have to be tougher. ;)
Rachel's Famous Protien Smoothies
First let's define what I mean by satisfied.
Do not confuse it with the phrase "I'm full".
Usually when you say I'm full I cannot eat another bite, it is because you ate to much and you're tummy is feeling it, either achy or "oiy, that's a tight fit".
Satisfied is where you slow down, eat your food slowly, enjoy the dinner and when you're done eating, you don't feel a tight tummy, you feel content, no longer hungry.
We easily confuse hunger for the urge to eat. Real hunger is when your tummy starts kicking you and saying "HEY! I'm EMPTY! GRRRRRRR". That's when you should eat!
Truthfully, I only get hungry twice a day. I wake up hungry and by mid afternoon between 2 - 5 I get hungry again. So that's when I eat. So snacks are NOT BAD, but you must recognize if you are actually hungry and need to eat vs. if you are bored, sad, or whatever and want to eat because it will cheer you up or give you something to do.
So, here goes.... the healthy smoothies that are full of protien and not sugar. You have them for snacks and or a quick meal replacment if you must. The idea is high protien, because protien makes you feel fuller longer and you need lots of protien for healthy muscles and good weight loss. Most muscle mass helps your burn more calories, vs. high sugary snacks raises insulin levels and makes you feel hungry sooner.
Orange Dream
1 scoop of vanilla whey protien powder ( buy it at GNC or the Wal-Mart Pharmacy) 130 cal.
1/2 cup no fat vanilla yogurt ( 90 calories )
2 heaping TBS frozen orange juice concentrate ( 60 cal )
1 - 2 cups Fresh Brewed Unsweetened and cooled Green Tea ( 0 cal, use to desired consistancy)
Mix all ingredeints in a mixer. Makes a very yummy protien shake.
Very Berry
1 scoop vanilla whey protien powder
1/2 cup no fat vanilla yogurt
1 cup frozen mixed berries ( i like strawberry and blueberry 70 cal)
1 - 2 cups green tea
Use you favorite frozen berries in place of the mixed berries, raspberries, strawberries, blue berries what ever you like.
This does make you feel full, and will hold you until dinner. Is full of calcium and protien and very little sugar, only natural sugars from the fruits.
You get 2 servings of fruit for the day, 1 serving of dairy , plus your calcium and protein needed for healthy bones and muscles. ;)
Snacking in Moderation
The key to weight loss and managment ( notice I say AND MANAGMENT , you want to keep it off after it's gone perminantly, right?) is changing our eating habbits.
Habbits are so hard to break especially the bad ones. They vary from all sorts of things to picking your nose in your car, to.... eh....eating to much of a really good thing.
Now, I am basing my weight loss off of two things, healthy eating habbits and exercise. We're not going to lose weight sitting on our butts and we're not going to lose weight eating alot of goodies. Note I said alot of goodies and not, eating goodies. Rule number one, NEVER DEPRIVE YOURSELF of what you like to eat, eat in moderation. What does that mean? Well, serving sizes and taking into account that you're going to eat it and how it will effect your calorie count/points for the rest of the day and is eating the whole thing worth it?
I love cupcakes! They are my all time favorite sweet in the world. If you wave a cuppy cake under my nose.... RACHEL WILL EAT IT!! What are the calories of a cupcake or if you're doing weight watchers with me, the points value? On average about 250 calories for 1 cupcake with frosting or 6 weight watchers points! WOW! I think 6 points is almost a meal for me considering I take in 22 points a day, which is about 1,400 calories. So what to do??
Well consider this the next time you go for your snackems. I am allowed X,XXX calories per day and this snack is XXX calories , how much does that leave for me to eat for the rest of the day on actual meals when I am really going to be hungry?
So here is what you do if you HAVE to have it. Eat it! Count it! And later when it's dinner time, have your serving of your main meal, only a serving but tank up on veggies ( greens especially ). Veggies are free to eat as many as you like. If you eat all of your veggies first and eat slowly you start to fill up leaving little room for the higher calories. Once you're satisfied don't eat anymore.
RULE NUMBER TWO, It is OK to waste your food!
Now, if we lived in a third world country where we were starving you should be ashamed of yourself for throwing that three left over bites of meat away, but we don't. We live in America where most of us are over weight and unhealthy and it would help us to throw it out!
Since you had your high calorie snack earlier in the day and you have just a few calories or points left for your dinner, eat all you want in your veggies and if you're tummy is happy and you have meat left over, walk away. That's less for your hips. I waste about three to four bites of my food all the time. And ya know what, those three or four bites make a differance.
BUT.... I wanna eat the cupcake and ALL of my meat!!! Well, you have to decide what you want the most. The cupcake now, or the full satisfying dinner later? Is it worth it? By reading nutrition labels and comparing the serving size to the calorie count, you start to see that that bag of chips and that candy bar and the can of soda is what is causing the gradual weight gain and you don't even realize it. These things are called empty calories. They are the foods that supply very little nutrition if any and have alot of calories packed into them compared to the serving size. That sucks!!! When you realize you really love the flavor of Hummus dip and celery sticks or hummus and baby carrots and you can eat ALOT of it compared to one candy bar.... omg....it gets addictive.
If you're weakness is sugary snacks like mine, remember this, sugar is carbohydrates. You don't have to NOT eat carbs, you just need to limit them and remember that sugar and carbs turn to fat and raise your insulin levels also making you feel hungrier sooner. So if you eat something else that fills you up and shushes your munchy monster you won't be getting the urge to eat another snack anytime time soon. After about two weeks of cutting out your sugars and such, your body doesn't crave them anymore. It's like a drug addiction. You go through withdrawl for about two weeks until you're used to not having it and you get used to eating better healthier things and you really don't miss it anymore. REALLY!
My other weakness, FRENCH FRIES! Oh, Good Lord, I could make a meal out of McDonalds French Fries alone. It took me about a month of making myself stay out of the drive through line for an order for fries as a snack. OK, those bad boys are good, but needs to be a treat. It has been 6 months since I had an order of fries from a fast food resturant. I don't miss it. I don't deprive myself either. I cook my fries at home in the oven. Less fat an grease that way and if done right, they are so crispy.
So, what I am getting at, is it takes your body some adjustment time to get used to not wanting all of the bad stuff all of the time. When I mean, eat it in moderation, I mean leave that stuff for treats and when the munchy monster nags at you keep in mind you can satisfy your snackems with things that are good for you, lower and calorie, taste great but don't take away from your dinner.
Good Snacks that I eat, that taste good and aren't so bad:
1 oz. of colby jack cheese (45 cal.) and three little smokie sausages ( 45 cal), big glass of green tea and then I find something to do to keep my hands busy. You gotta keep yourself moving. the more time you sit around the more antsy and bored you get and want a snack. ;)
Very Berry Parfait
1 cup mixed frozen berries thawed (70 Cal )
1/2 cup no fat vanilla yogurt (90 Cal )
1 tsp. granola ( 20 Cal )
makes a great parfait
Shrimp Salad
Big Bowl of Mixed Greens like, Romaine Lettuce, Fresh Spinach ( get a bag of the ready made salad greens with all the veggies )
10 Baby Carrots
5 Cherry Tomatoes
Half a cup of those tiny shrimps
1/4 cup feta cheese ( Optional )
All of the veggies you can stuff in there for the exception of potatos and corn( startchy)
Wish Bone Salad Spritzer! MMMMM Those are freebies. If you MUST have ranch dressing, go no fat dressing. Next time you're in the store pick up a bottle of both and look at the nutrition facts. Amazing differance in calories.
1 apple and 1/2 cup of vanilla no fat yogurt for the dip. Gooooood eats!!
Baby Carrots, eat as many as you want.
Sugar Free cup cake 1, alot less calories by at least 100.
My FAVORITE AND MOST FILLING:::: And can be used as a meal replacment if ya HAVE to
RACHEL'S FAMOUS PROTIEN SMOOTHIES!! I will post the recipes to those in seperate post.
AND, to help kick the munchy monster, drink LOTS of water or TEA.
I carry a glass around with me all day. I drink a galon of green tea a day. I kicked my diet soda kick after years finally for other health reasons, but also because it retains water from the sodium. But when you keep your tummy full with water or tea ( unsweetened for the exception of splenda ) then you really don't feel hungry or think much about snacking.
So drink up!
Diet or Live?
I have been losing weight learning new eating habbits with weight watchers. Everytime I had a baby and I gained weight from pregnancy I went to weight watchers.
I promote weight watchers because you don't have to give everything up and it's not hard to do and eliminates the stress of calorie counting.
Calorie Counting is great, but it's stressful and is easy to get off track on.
With weight watchers you count points and it's so easy.
Each food has it's own point value, and according to your age, height and weight you are allowed up to a certian amount of points per day, plus you learn that for every activity and exercise you do, that earns you more points so you can eat more. It's not just for losing weight, it's for losing weight and keeping it off. You use points to help you maintane your weight loss goals for a life time. It's that great??
It's simple really and alot less stressful and what's really cool is there are alot of products out there that have the weight watchers points listed on them, like lean cuisine, Weight watchers smart ones, and healthy choice. :)
I love to eat, but I hate counting carbs, fats, protiens and calories.... With the point system, it works for you, not against you. You learn with foods are freebies, low points and high points and you naturally want to stay away from the higher point foods except for treats and such.
You don't deprive yourself of what you like and want, you learn moderation and how much a little bit of the wrong food can cause you to gain weight.
It's a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off! It is really the only program I promote and agree with because it teaches healthy balanced eating that sticks for a life time and you do lose weight doing it!
www.weightwatchers.com go there and check out a meeting in your area for free. Give it a shot, you'll be happy you did, especially when you see how easy it is.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What to do about family outings and get togethers??
Of course. One of the biggest things I have learned with weight watchers is, you can eat the things you like, just in moderation.
Never deprive yourself of the goodies you enjoy! The more you tell yourself no, the more you are going to want it, until you get to the point where you can't stand it any longer and no only do you give in but you gorge and later feel guilty.
I don't do that. I count everything I eat, whether it be with points or calories, and when I know I have something coming up, like tonight, I am having dinner at La Fiesta with my family, I just bank a few calories/points for the week and I make good choices.
Today, I took the kids for ice cream. Instead of getting a giant banana split, I shared a kids scoop of ice cream with my baby Neena. It was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth and I only had half of the calories since she ate the other other half. I had a treat and it was good, but I didn't over do it.
Tonight, I will try the mexican salad my mom raves about. It's made with grilled chicken and has all the lettuce , tomatos, avacados and goodies, but I will not eat the fried tortilla shell it comes in. Salsa is a free condiment, so I will enjoy that with it. Maybe 1 enchillada on the side. I had 1 egg and 1 bacon this morning for breakfast because I wasnt as hungry, and that gives me a few calories that I can put towards dinner as well. We are eating at five pm, so that meets my dinner deadline.
Since our metabolisms naturally slow down at night as we sleep, I don't recommend eating large meals late at night. I like to give myself a window for dinner between 4:30 pm and 6 pm. That way I eat, feel satisfied and give my tummy time to settle in time for my evening work out sessions.
See, the way I am doing it, is I am breaking my work out up over three times a day. Walk in the morning after breakfast, scult and strength train in the afternoons after lunch and areobic ( turbo jam) after dinner around 8 pm. I don't do it all at once, it gives my metabolism a little boost to keep going through the day, and I don't over do it and feel so tired I can't do my daily tasks. :) You get the same effects working out in segments as you do all at once. The object is to get moving, right? ;)
So, I am actually looking forward to dinner. The idea is to enjoy a meal with the family, chose wisely and don't over do it, but eat where I will feel satisfied and not tempted to rade the fridge later. ;)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Day of rest...
I have chosen Sunday's as my rest day no matter what. That is the day I don't work, and I go to church and spend quiet time alone with me and my kids when they get home from their father's.
Tonight, I thought I'd give my body a much deserved rest. I still ate well, and I did walk today, but I'm letting my abs and my other muscles I have been working so hard a day off. ;)
Stepped on the Scale today, like I know I shouldn't. I should only weigh in once a week, but I noticed a big change , so I thought I'd peak. I am down two more pounds.
I am guessing due to water weight, or the scales are finally catching up to all of the work I've done and it didn't show for almost three weeks, now it's just tipping lower and lower. I am sure after the first week or two of this, it will slow down to about 1 - 2 lbs a week as it should.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Jammin' Wit' TURBO JAM
I cannot say enough about Turbo Jam. I am really having alot of fun doing these work outs. The kids are getting involved with me. We have fun. It's never boring. It's easy to follow and catch on to. It does amazing things for the Abs as well as the rest of the body. I am so excited to be ordering the complete set of Vids AND I WANT THOSE GLOVES!!!!!!
If you haven't tried it, you need to. It's so much fun and I've started seeing better results since I've started using it, just this week!!!! I've been working out for three weeks now, and this week I have had more results than the other two combined! WOW!
To find out more you can visit beachbody.com or
Here's the direct Link to get TURBO JAM
See the differance 5 lbs can make

How to spot a diet scam
Experts say the only way to lose weight for the long haul is to burn more calories than you eat, and that process is slow. That means any diet products or program that promises "quick and easy" weight loss without any effort or sacrifice is bound to be bogus. But if that’s not enough to raise your suspicions, here are some frequently used buzz words to watch for, according to the FTC: No Diet! No Exercise!Lose 30 Pounds in 30 DaysEat Your Favorite Foods and Still Lose WeightShrinks Inches Off Your Stomach, Waist, and HipsScientists Announce Incredible Discovery!Revolutionary European Method! Ancient Chinese Secret!Turn On Your Body's Fat-Burning ProcessAutomatically Convert Fat to Lean Trim Muscle!Absorbs FatDeveloped After Years of Secret ResearchNew Scientific/Medical Breakthrough Not only do diet scam pitchmen tend to use the same words in their advertising, the FTC says they also employ some of the same sales techniques, such as:
—Extravagant claims of dramatic, rapid weight loss.—Testimonials from "famous" doctors, researchers, or other medical experts.—Dramatic before-and-after photos depicting substantial weight loss.—Ads that tout the latest trendy ingredient in the headlines.—A footnote hidden somewhere in an ad noting "diet and exercise required.""Any time you are tempted to get a new diet product, my advice would be to look into what the claims are and if they can be substantiated by science," says Mercer. "What people want is a magic bullet and quick fix, and that’s never going to work. If it sounds too good to be true, it is."
Muscle Vs. Fat

Monday, December 8, 2008
My Target Area
Monday Weigh In
I met last weeks goal of lose 2 pounds to work towards my 8 lbs off this month..... AND towards my total of 40 lbs!! SOOOOO, I getting closer to getting there than I was when I started!
This week I want to go for two pounds again. So I will walk, do an aerobics video of choice and work my abs since that is my biggest problem area of all!!
My Posture has improved, I am holding my stomach in more without thinking about it. I haven't been grubbing all the time. I think my cravings for sugar and caffine have almost depeleted , now if I can get rid of my nicotine craving all together I would be set!!!
Feels good to know I worked so hard and it paid off. I know it was ALOT of work for 2.2 lbs, but lets look at two pounds of butter because that is the eqaulivant to two pounds of fat on our bodies. WOW, that is ALOT, isn't it? Yeah it is.... I don't want that on me, and if I can work it off, I am going to do it.
It's easier to gain it than it is to lose it.
But in working hard we're not just losing weight... what else is there?
Stronger Heart and Lungs.
Stronger Leaner Muscles.
More Stamina and Strength endurance.
A better self esteem.
Clearer Skin.
Better sleep at night.
Happier and more Positive Attitude.
Small Changes
"even small changes in my life are big achievments"
Whether it be eating healthier, exercising, working on your relationship with your partner, just life in general, it works.
Did you know that it only takes 1 week to "brain wash" someone or yourself by telling them the same thing over and over. It's true. So imagine, if you tell yourself the same thing, on a positive note, several times a day for a week straight, how you can begin to "brain wash" yourself into a better self image, or boosting your will power or confidence to eat healthy and exercise.
What if you tell yourself every single day ten times a day " I think, therefore I am, if I believe I WILL achieve, and I believe I by me watching what I eat and making healthy choices, exercising every day, I will achieve a healthier sexier me".....
try it.... brain wash yourself this week and see if you feel better or more encouraged.
Call it brain washing.... or better yet, what it really is and more properly AFFIRMATION.
Short Term Goals: TODAY is ALL that matters!!!
It's the process of working your way UP to something or in this case DOWN. ;)
Let's say, if, someday you would like to own a very large home with a sports car in your garage and a swimming pool in the backyard, how would you go about doing that?
The first step would be to get a job and start making money. Well, maybe that's not enough income to get the big picture. So, the theory is to find a way to make more money that will eventually lead you to buying the big house. Short term goals, small steps to lead up to big success. You've acheived the goal of the first job , the next goal is to find a better paying job, and maybe, in order to get that you need to go to college. So, set the next small goal of going to college to further your career. Once that goal is met, check it off the list and there you are closer to your main goal of owning that large fancy house and all the works. One step, one day at a time.
Same holds true for our weight loss goals. Me as an example, I want to lose 40 lbs. Ultimately I would LOVE to see myself at 115 lbs, for my height and age, that's healthy, but when I think of me being 155 lbs and having to lose 40 lbs. Gosh, that seems to hard and I just want to give up.
Well, how about we do this..... My main Goal is to get down to 115 lbs. Someday. I want someday to be by next fall. That's far enough away I have time to achieve it and so in this time frame what can I do to get my ultimate goal weight? First, I want to see if I can lose 8 lbs. this month. But to lose 8 lbs this month I need to focus on losing 2 lbs this week, and to lose 2 lbs this week I will need to watch my diet every day and exercise too! So, let's start the first short term goal as day to day and then worry about the next short term goal, my weekly weigh in later on.
Today, I will worry about what I have to do today to be healthier. I will eat well today and count my calories or points, and I will exercise. Today I want to walk 30 minutes on my treadmill. I want to do Turbo Jam later in the evening and I'd like to work my abs out so I want to do Belly Busters. I want to eat something good and satisfying but I don't want to over do it. At the end of the day I will feel good about my efforts and success for today and I will sleep well having exercised. Tomorrow, I want to do the same thing.
All the while, I am telling myself I CAN, I WILL.... I want that long term goal of 115 lbs, but I know I have to work towards it today. I did not gain this weight over night or in one week, it snuck up on me over the course of a year or two, and so I will not lose it over night either.
The more exercise the better I feel. The more I think of that two pounds I want to get off this week to lead to the ultimate 40 lbs in a few months to a year the more determined I am to keep going!!!
By setting these small day by day and week by week goals we can find ourselves to be more successful in the long run over focusing strictly on the "big fish" we want a head. We can get discouraged thinking about that 40 lbs we want off right NOW and when we only lose a pound or two a week and we can't fit into our skinny jeans with ALL of the exercise we did last week we can get discouraged and think it's doing no good.
Small baby steps one day at a time. Think today what you need to eat and exercise for today to lead up to that 1 - 2 lbs you want off this week to ultimately and eventually lead up to the 40 lbs.
You have to want to do it... but focus on what you have to do right now , today, to make a differance for later. Tomorrow isn't here yet, so don't worry with it. Yesterday is gone and don't matter so quit kicking yourself in the butt because you ate that donut. SO? You ate it yesterday..... so get back on track today. TODAY.... TODAY.... and ONLY TODAY!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I have exercised so much, I can see and feel a differance in my muscle tone. I watched every bite I ate and didn't cheat once. So it was really frustrating not to see anything happen.
I knew it was because my period was around the corner and I always retain water before then, but the fact that I was working out so hard and gaining muscle mass and probably retaining water from that as well didn't help.
I was beginning to feel like the "typical dieter" again. I was working hard and not seeing results and considered giving up!
NO! Not this time. I believe with everything inside of me that if I continue to work this hard and eat healthy I WILL get my weight off.
But..... what if I don't? What if I just eat healthy and exercise and those cursed bathroom scales from hell never move even an ounce? Well, I will be the healthiest most physically fit fat woman in the world.
It's not possiable. If I eat right , drink right, and exercise I will lose weight!!!
And so, the day after my period came, I dropped the water weight and the scale began to move again.
I'd like to remind myself and anyone else that is reading......
THE BATHROOM SCALE IS NOT GOD! It doesn't have the final say and it hasn't written crap in stone, so therefore sometimes it yoyo's due to the nature of our bodies and sometimes the scales need new batteries or whatever. WEIGH, once a week, same time, same clothes, same day and go by that.... BUT..... more importantly, go by how your clothes feel and your pictures you take. The scale doesn't lie .... but it doesn't tell you what is going on inside of you either.
Muscle weighs 3 x more than fat. So, if you have a gain or a maintance and you worked your butt off, don't freak. Doesn't mean you're gaining fat, could mean you just drank 16 oz of water before you weighed and forgot about it.... there's your pound. Or you're building alot of muscle.... the scale doesn't tell you that!
The most perfect scale in the world, I think.... would be a scale that told you everything.
You step on the scale and it says " Good Morning Rachel! Nice job on your jog yesterday. OH, btw, you are up a pound due to the muscle you're gaining from all of the exercise you're doing, and you have lost 1 pound of fat, so it may look like you're not going anywhere, but you really are. Give it time, I'll catch up to you later!"
Wouldn't that be fantastic? Greet you, Applaud you and inspire you all at once. In a perfect world... yes.
It's not a perfect world, so we have to continue telling our selves these things over and over again....
You know what curiosity did to the cat??? Well, stress will kill ya, and stressing over the yoyo'd scale will do the same thing.
My Holiday Reflections
2. In the beginning the exercise was hard, and sometimes still is and was overwhelming, but as I have continued on my journey to a healthier more physically fit me, it has also become easier and I feel good that I have not given up.
3. I am sleeping better and relaxing more at night because I have used the muscles and not allowed them to sit idol.
4. My posture as improved, working the muscles in my back and abdominal area, they are tired and they are sore, but they are getting stronger.
5. I know in my mind and my heart if I keep working as hard as I have I can only succeed and those new clothes I want to buy for ME will look good and feel good on my body, and I will not wear them for long before I need a smaller size.
6. I know in my mind and my heart if I continue on my journey of eating healthier and working my body I will look better and feel worthy of myself!
7. I have learned that even if I fail only one day that the next day is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it and I can continue working for a better and healthier me, not to give up!
8. I have learned that the more I work, the easier it gets and the better it feels, and the more I work the more energy and mental wellness I have. I actually feel happy about myself and what I am doing, I have been less depressed.
9. I have told myself I WILL succeed and so I will BECAUSE I SAID SO and if I do, it's because I allowed myself to!
10. I am on the road to feeling good about myself and I want it more than anything!!!!!
My affirmation for the week:
"I Love myself and so I am working so hard and changing myself for me, I think therefore I am, if I believe I will acheive!!!"