Sunday, December 7, 2008


I started my period Saturday, at the butt crack of dawn. I was actually so glad to see it come, because I have been teetering on the scales for the last two weeks.

I have exercised so much, I can see and feel a differance in my muscle tone. I watched every bite I ate and didn't cheat once. So it was really frustrating not to see anything happen.
I knew it was because my period was around the corner and I always retain water before then, but the fact that I was working out so hard and gaining muscle mass and probably retaining water from that as well didn't help.

I was beginning to feel like the "typical dieter" again. I was working hard and not seeing results and considered giving up!

NO! Not this time. I believe with everything inside of me that if I continue to work this hard and eat healthy I WILL get my weight off.

But..... what if I don't? What if I just eat healthy and exercise and those cursed bathroom scales from hell never move even an ounce? Well, I will be the healthiest most physically fit fat woman in the world.

It's not possiable. If I eat right , drink right, and exercise I will lose weight!!!

And so, the day after my period came, I dropped the water weight and the scale began to move again.

I'd like to remind myself and anyone else that is reading......

THE BATHROOM SCALE IS NOT GOD! It doesn't have the final say and it hasn't written crap in stone, so therefore sometimes it yoyo's due to the nature of our bodies and sometimes the scales need new batteries or whatever. WEIGH, once a week, same time, same clothes, same day and go by that.... BUT..... more importantly, go by how your clothes feel and your pictures you take. The scale doesn't lie .... but it doesn't tell you what is going on inside of you either.

Muscle weighs 3 x more than fat. So, if you have a gain or a maintance and you worked your butt off, don't freak. Doesn't mean you're gaining fat, could mean you just drank 16 oz of water before you weighed and forgot about it.... there's your pound. Or you're building alot of muscle.... the scale doesn't tell you that!

The most perfect scale in the world, I think.... would be a scale that told you everything.

You step on the scale and it says " Good Morning Rachel! Nice job on your jog yesterday. OH, btw, you are up a pound due to the muscle you're gaining from all of the exercise you're doing, and you have lost 1 pound of fat, so it may look like you're not going anywhere, but you really are. Give it time, I'll catch up to you later!"

Wouldn't that be fantastic? Greet you, Applaud you and inspire you all at once. In a perfect world... yes.
It's not a perfect world, so we have to continue telling our selves these things over and over again....


You know what curiosity did to the cat??? Well, stress will kill ya, and stressing over the yoyo'd scale will do the same thing.

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