Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Holiday Reflections

1. Depsite the holiday, I have not given up on me and my goals to be healthy and change my life for my health and physical well being.
2. In the beginning the exercise was hard, and sometimes still is and was overwhelming, but as I have continued on my journey to a healthier more physically fit me, it has also become easier and I feel good that I have not given up.
3. I am sleeping better and relaxing more at night because I have used the muscles and not allowed them to sit idol.
4. My posture as improved, working the muscles in my back and abdominal area, they are tired and they are sore, but they are getting stronger.
5. I know in my mind and my heart if I keep working as hard as I have I can only succeed and those new clothes I want to buy for ME will look good and feel good on my body, and I will not wear them for long before I need a smaller size.
6. I know in my mind and my heart if I continue on my journey of eating healthier and working my body I will look better and feel worthy of myself!
7. I have learned that even if I fail only one day that the next day is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it and I can continue working for a better and healthier me, not to give up!
8. I have learned that the more I work, the easier it gets and the better it feels, and the more I work the more energy and mental wellness I have. I actually feel happy about myself and what I am doing, I have been less depressed.
9. I have told myself I WILL succeed and so I will BECAUSE I SAID SO and if I do, it's because I allowed myself to!
10. I am on the road to feeling good about myself and I want it more than anything!!!!!
My affirmation for the week:
"I Love myself and so I am working so hard and changing myself for me, I think therefore I am, if I believe I will acheive!!!"

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