Monday, December 8, 2008

Small Changes

I want you to say this every day.......
"even small changes in my life are big achievments"
Whether it be eating healthier, exercising, working on your relationship with your partner, just life in general, it works.
Did you know that it only takes 1 week to "brain wash" someone or yourself by telling them the same thing over and over. It's true. So imagine, if you tell yourself the same thing, on a positive note, several times a day for a week straight, how you can begin to "brain wash" yourself into a better self image, or boosting your will power or confidence to eat healthy and exercise.
What if you tell yourself every single day ten times a day " I think, therefore I am, if I believe I WILL achieve, and I believe I by me watching what I eat and making healthy choices, exercising every day, I will achieve a healthier sexier me".....
try it.... brain wash yourself this week and see if you feel better or more encouraged.

Call it brain washing.... or better yet, what it really is and more properly AFFIRMATION.

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